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Jul 11, 20196 min read
European Parliament - lights, camera, action
The 751 newly-elected MEPs have had their debut in Strasbourg last week, where they attended the first plenary session of the 2019-2024...

Jul 5, 20198 min read
The winners and losers from the EU's top jobs bonanza
So it is over. The marathon that was the European Council Extraordinary Summit to nominate the leaders of the European institutions...
Jul 1, 20194 min read
Proposal to nominate Timmermans for President of the European Commission divides the Member States
In a bid to break the deadlock in nominating the ‘Top Jobs’ in the institutions of the European Union, heads of state and government met...

Jun 26, 20194 min read
European Commission President wanted
European Council President Donald Tusk was right last week to feel “more cautious than optimistic”, as European leaders could not unite...

Jun 21, 20192 min read
Europe Analytica is looking for a New Research Assistant! Deadline 10 July 2019
Student Research Assistant – Europe Analytica +/- 6 months, full-time Preferred start date: August 2019 Europe Analytica, a...

May 31, 201912 min read
A new European order - Setting the political agenda for the next 5 years
The run-up to the 2019 European elections has been long and filled with projections, campaigning, debates and rallies - some more...
May 15, 20193 min read
Spitzenkandidat process - Parliament seeks greater control
Ahead of the elections, the party groups sitting in the European Parliament announced who their pan-European lead candidate will be – the...
May 9, 20193 min read
MEPs: Who will be back and who will not
The European Parliament's approach to digital and cultural policy is set to be renewed with an influx of new MEPs and a shift in the...

May 8, 20195 min read
European Parliament elections 2019
The upcoming European Parliament elections (23-26 May) will be a defining moment for the European Union. Clearly there is no doubt that...
News: Blog
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