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Official video of ARDITO "Upgrading the Internet" conference published

The ARDITO project officially came to a close at the end of June, when the partners showcased their main achievements and services developed in the final conference "Upgrading the Internet".

Europe Analytica has been a project partner since the start, a and we are proud to share a new video from the event with you here!

You will hear snapshots from the partners explaining how collaborative projects like ARDITO empower both users and creators on the internet. The keynote speaker MEP Virkkunen also highlighted how such services are key to developing a functioning Digital Single Market in the EU.

We enabled the ARDITO services on the video itself, to let you see how easily they let users access rights information on objects found online. You will be able to see ARDITO live just by installing the Copyright Hub plug-in and right-clicking on the video, and you will see the rights data retrieved on your screen.

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