Europe Analytica was proud to organise the final conference of the EU's Horizon 2020 funded ARDITO project. Along with our partners on the project from across Europe, we hosted some of the biggest innovators in copyright technology at the 'Upgrading the Internet’ conference in Brussels on Tuesday 19 June.
To open the event, Angela Mills-Wade (Director at Europe Analytica) and Paola Mazzucchi (ARDITO Project Manager) introduced the audience to the ARDITO project and its main objective, which is to connect the consumer and rightsholders in the digital world. 'Let’s use the internet for what it is really good at,' said Mills-Wade, and she presented the idea of upgrading the digital domain from copyright to eCopyright.
The Finnish MEP Henna Virkkunen followed, giving a vibrant keynote speech and putting ARDITO into the broader context of digitisation and innovation in the European Digital Single Market. She complimented the achievements that ARDITO has made possible and agreed that ARDITO is no longer just a project, but a readily available service. She called for innovation-friendly and technology-neutral regulation, to allow for legal certainty and encourage investment in education, research and skills.
ARDITO project partners showcased their innovative tools and services to manage rights data of creative content, including watermarking, digital fingerprinting and Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). These are designed to help users find out about rights permissions directly from the content they have discovered, no matter where it is discovered on the Internet. They highlighted the diverse applications of such services for all stakeholders in different sectors, from publishing to audiovisual, and especially their potential uses for SMEs. A Q&A session was held to close the presentation.
A final panel discussion looked into the potential impact that these tools may have on the rights permission systems and copyright system at the EU level. They concluded that several tools and services are now provided for eCopyright, and there is now the need to educate critical users.
We are looking forward to seeing ARDITO go from being a project to a fully functional service!
Thanks to everyone who made the event a success.
For more updates on the project, please subscribe to ARDITO newsletter here or get in touch with the project at ardito@europe-analytica.com.
Presentations are also available on the ARDITO website here:
ARDITO introduction (Paola Mazzucchi, Business Development Manager at mEDRA, Angela Mills-Wade, Director at Europe Analytica)
Copyright Hub (Daniel Mermelstein, Project Manager)
Album (Sergi Griñó, Director),
Icontact (Huub van de Pol, Founder)
b<>com (Gaëtan Le Guelvouit, Manager of the Digital Trust & Identity Lab)
mEDRA (Paola Mazzucchi, Business Development Manager)
You can look back on the main moments on Twitter here and find the official press release here.
Europe Analytica regularly organises events and conferences in Brussels and beyond. If you would like to know more about how we could help you, please find more information here or email info@europe-analytica.com.