Jun 12, 20182 min

Henna Virkkunen MEP to speak at "ARDITO: Upgrading the Internet" on 19 June

Europe Analytica and all ARDITO project partners will be glad to welcome you to our final conference “ARDITO: Upgrading the Internet”, which will be held next week on 19 June (14.00)  at the Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre (Avenue du Boulevard 17, 1210 Bruxelles).

To reserve your seat at the event, please follow this link.

ARDITO’s objective is to fill the gap in the digital content value network (CVN) and connect online content to rights information by building a complementary digital rights data network (RDN). You can find out more information here.

The event will feature the Finnish MEP Henna  Virkkunen as keynote speaker. She was the rapporteur for last year's European Parliament assessment of online platforms and illegal content.  


Her opening address will be followed by presentations by all ARDITO project partners. They will be showcasing their innovative tools, which are designed to help users find out about rights permissions directly from the content they have discovered, no matter where it is discovered on the Internet.  A Q&A session will be held to close the presentation.


A final panel will look into the potential impact that these tools may have on the rights permission systems and copyright system at the EU level.


Light refreshments will be served before the conference, and a networking reception will close up the day.


Do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions on the above.

See you on the 19th of June and make sure to save your seat!

*ARDITO is a Horizon 2020-funded project, Grant agreement n. 731760


Project partners are:

ALBUM (ES), Associazione Italiana Editori (IT), b<>com (FR), Europe Analytica, Icontact (NL), The Copyright Hub (UK), mEDRA (IT)

Europe Analytica regularly organises events and conferences in Brussels and beyond. If you would like to know more about how we could help you, please find more information here or email info@europe-analytica.com.